References (extract)
The Alpiq Holding AG is an international Swiss energy company based in Lausanne. The company stemmed from the merger of Atel Holding AG (Aare-Tessin AG für Elektrizität) and the EOS S.A. (Energie Ouest Suisse) and began its operations on the 1st of February, 2009. Alpiq Holding AG employs around 8.000 people and is active in a majority of European countries.
The Berner Kantonalbank AG is the cantonal bank of the Canton Bern in Switzerland, and the third largest cantonal bank in the country. As a universal bank, it provides services regarding payment, savings, investments and financing. Berner Kantonalbank focuses its services on two business segments: private- and entrepreneurial clients, particularly small and medium enterprises and asset management.
H&D International Group was founded in 1996 as an IT services company that encompasses Hönigsberg & Düvel Datentechnik GmbH and associated companies. H&D International Group’s services include consulting, server- and infrastructure management, management services, SAP- and CAx-services, as well as independent product development. H&D International Group is active in the automotive, communications, energy and healthcare industry, as well as in banking, insurance and public administration (civil service).
RTC was a leading IT- services company, specializing in software solutions for banks and other financial service providers. These included banking software (IBIS3G), desktop- and system management solutions (RENO-Suite), as well as print- and shipping services. In addition, the company offered IT-outsourcing services.